Atwater Metro Entrance

Bienvenue! Shékon! Ahlan! Bienvenido! Benvenuto! Byenvini! Kalos irthate! Huān yíng! 

Welcome to Dawson!

Before we begin our tour, we would like to acknowledge that we are gathered on unceded Indigenous land. The Kanien’kehá:ka Nation is recognized as the custodians of the land on which we gather today.

Dawson is like a little city. On a typical school day, more than 8,000 people pass through these doors from Atwater Metro Station. Others ride in on their bike, walk, or skateboard here. 

Even though Dawson is a big school, there are many ways you can join smaller communities and make friends.

Check out the activities offered by Campus Life and the dozens of student clubs managed by the Dawson Student Union. 

Next stop on the tour is the Tony Proudfoot Gymnasium and our Physical Education facilities. 

Walk through the passage on your left, take the stairs, and stop by the window overlooking the gym.